Thursday, February 3, 2011

Burma- Inle Lake

After arriving in Inle Lake Coe and I took a bumpy ride with two guys from Denmark. At the end of this ride the taller one was praying for safety. I thought the ride was quite a bit less nerve wrecking than the plane ride. The following day Coe and I went on a bike ride to explore the lake area.
Monastery with mustard.
Coe and I biked through bamboo forests, tiny lake towns, and eventually found a winery. After drinking Chang and Leo beer (real light beer) for the last days (for Coe it was for the last few months) wine sounded real nice. I didn't quite make it the whole way up the hill, but riding down after 9 taster glasses of different wine was bliss.
Two fine young chaps.

The following day we went on a tour of the lake in a long-tail boat. We saw floating gardens, fabrics made from the lotus flower, and the rarest treasure of southeast asia... cats jumping through hoops. Crazy shit, I know. The next day we left to Mandalay.

Inle Lake with the floating gardens.

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