Sunday, February 20, 2011

Burma- Mandalay cont.

Me on a bridge outside of Mandalay.

After riding over a different bridge for the hell of it Coe and I set out for the teak bridge. We made it to the teak bridge just in time for sunset. It was another beautiful Burmese sunset with my first experience of getting my picture taken with tourists. This ended up being a reoccuring thing throught my trip in Asia.
Coe watching the sunset.
Coe and I made our way back to the hotel in time for our train to Bagan where we would meet up with Colin. The train ride was another scary experience in Burmese traveling. You aren't safe in the trains, buses, or airplanes. I'm kidding, you're probably safe. The train started well but ten minutes in the train felt like it was about to tip over every 5 minutes. It made for some awesome sleep.

Burmese fisherman waiting for a catch.

So the following day Coe and I decide to see the longest teak bridge in the world that is just outside of Mandalay. We decide to rent a motorbike and after concluding that I didn't know how to ride one we decided to rend one with Coes as the driver. We set out to find the teak bridge but after our bike broke and got fixed we set out on the wrong way. We passed the turnoff and ended up on a road dominated by semi trucks and water buffalo. Luckily this road let us see the teak bridge, which we had passed a long time ago.

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