Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fast Forward- Thailand and Cambodia

A lot of things have happened since the first blog was posted. I've realized that while traveling it is hard to find time to write about what you've been doing. I don't have a computer and the time wasted in an internet cafe is time not spent experiencing where you are.

Anya pointing at the hill we climbed up. It took over 1,200 steep stairs to get to the top.
I met up with Anya in Bangkok and we decided to go to the southern islands of Thailand. We were bound for the full moon party but also wanted to experience the beauty of these treasured islands. We started by going to Krabi, a relaxed town with little night life. But we got to experience the laid back feeling of living at a resort in paradise. 

Anya after some awesome underwater adventures in Ko Phi Phi.

 Next, we took a boat to Ko Pi Pi an island infamous for its buckets and the destruction that occurred during the tsunami. Anya and I had to be slight squares because we got our PADI certification and wanted to be well rested for the morning dives. It was well worth it and we got to see an array of sea life that I've never imagined before. The immense size of the ancient corral was enough for me to know that getting certified here was well worth the extra money.

Anya in Ko Lanta, definitely not posing for the picture.

 After Ko Phi Phi we went to Ko Lanta which was a nice relaxing place but after taking it easy in Ko Phi Phi we wanted a little more night life. The most exciting thing was the drunk englishman who owned a resort that admitted to being, "Absolutely Pissed!" The translation is hammered off his willy-wanker. I almost forgot, however, about the long ride Anya and I did on a motorbike on dirt roads that pushed the limits of our bike. We made it back to the hotel safe without being attacked by monkeys.

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